
Wir sind stolz auf Fanta aus Sierra Leone

This is the final letter from Fanta Camara in Sierra Leone. She was supported by ZIKOMO to study Computer Science but during the Ebola crisis universities and schools of Sierra Leone were closed for more than a year. Fanta could not continue with her studies but decided to focus on her musical and acting career instead. She is now very successfull!! But read  …

The power of educating a woman – Halimas Brief zum erfolgreichen Abschluss ihres Studiums

THE POWER OF EDUCATING A WOMAN – MY FINAL LETTER TO ZIKOMO ASSOCIATION In the year 2013 I was going through situations that took away all my strength to move forward in all ambitions I had. I completely lost hope and I had no any slight dream that I will at one point in life access college education. As a  …


Herzliche Einladung zum ZIKO(M)O Carneval kommenden Freitag! Mist, am Oktopus haben sich schon Miesmuscheln angesiedelt und am Osterei bildet sich schon Moos? Man meint, Magenta sei das neue Orange? Man munkelt, so mancher Opa könnte bald Millionär sein und ehemalige Oberlehrerinnen träfen endlich auf Musterschüler? Mann, man muss kein Orakel befragen, um zu wissen: Es ist wieder soweit. ZIKO(M)O feiert  …

ZIKO(M)O Carneval

Samstag, 30 Jänner um 20:00 Andrä Foyer – Dreihackengasse 5, 8020 Graz   Mmmm Krapfen! Es ist wieder soweit… Wir – Aloisia, Anita, Andrea, Bernd, Christoph, Elisabeth, Karin, Lena, Markus, Martina, Monika, Reinhard und Philipp – möchten mit euch Fasching feiern. MOTTO-PARTY! Ob Marillenknödel, Madonna, Macho, Maus oder Millionär…jede/r ist willkommen. Wir freuen uns über ALLE, die mit uns gemeinsam  …

ZIKOMO goes concert – Christmas Edition

5. Benefiz-Konzert-Veranstaltung zu Gunsten von ZIKOMO WANN: Am Samstag, den 19.12.2015 ab 16 Uhr WO: Theater am Ortweinplatz, Ortweinplatz 1, 8010 Graz. (Straßenbahnhaltestelle Finanzamt, Linie 4 & 5) Nach den letzten Weihnachtseinkäufen könnt ihr euch bei uns entspannen: ☼ LIVE MUSIK und TANZTHEATER vom Feinsten bei FREIEM EINRITT ☼ Glühwein ☼ Weihnachtsmarkt ☼ Kekse ☼ Zeit für Freundinnen und Freunde  ...

Weihnachten in Sambia

Suwilanji Nambaya erzählt über Weihnachten in Sambia...   Christmas celebrations in Zambia By Suwilanji Nambaya Lusaka, Zambia It is that time of the year when both children and adults are in a festive mood. Almost all places like malls, offices and homes are being decorated with Christmas trees and other kinds of décor. Christmas is celebrated in different kinds of ways according  ...

Bachelor’s Degree in social work

CONGRATULATIONS to Simon who graduated with a Bachelor's degree in social work at the Cavendish University in Zambia! Simon, we are very proud of you! Here is Simon's letter to ZIKOMO at all donors. Dear ZIKOMO, it is my pleasure to thank you for your support that has made me achieve the Bachelor of Social Work. This Degree will help me  ...

Bachelor’s degree in Social Work‬!

Wir freuen uns, dass unsere ZIKOMO Familie um eine Sozialarbeiterin‬ gewachsen ist. Congratulations Precious! We are very proud of YOU! Precious graduated at the Cavendish University Zambia in Lusaka. She now has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work‬! Precious wrote to ZIKOMO: Hello ZIKOMO, I’m so very happy that I have finally completed my bachelors of social work and it wasn’t  …

Your support will change my life, my family, my community …

„Your support will change my life, my family, my community around me and will change my country once I finish these studies.“ Words by Joseph Lihoma, a ZIKOMO student in ‪Malawi doing a Bachelor’s degree in ‪Law. He wrote us this letter to report on his academic year: Greetings from Zomba, I hope you are doing well and the entire Zikomo organization too. We  …

Studienabschluss von Cecilia Chulu

Cecilia konnte ihr Studium „Bachelor of Arts in Education“ erfolgreich abschließen: Dear ZIKOMO, It is truly like a dream but it is a reality, it is done, not reversible. Coming from the humble background of being called untrained teacher at a community school, now to be called a graduate from the highest institution of learning in the land, which is  …