Studiumabschluss Tinotenda

Freudig und stolz berichten wir von Tinotenda, die ihr Studium „Pflege und Geburtshilfe“ erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat.
Das ist ihr Brief an ZIKOMO.

Dear ZIKOMO and donors!
I would  like to thank ZIKOMO  association for the support you gave me in order for me to complete my studies.
Now I possess a diploma in #nursing and #midwifery, and l am a qualified registered nurse with ‚Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi‘.
I am able to work in any health sectors and  provide care to sick people, especially to women during delivery time.
I really appreciate for everything!
Yours faithfully,


Näheres zu Tinotenda und ihrem Studium erfährst du hier



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