Alice Bewaale
Domicile: Ghana
Title of study: Nursing
About the university:Nursing and Midwifery Training School,
Duration: 6 Semesters
Costs: appr. 310 Euro per semester
Das ist Alices Brief an ZIKOMO:
Dear team of ZIKOMO,
I humbly write this letter to officially express my sincere appreciation to the team Zikomo for immense contributions throughout my three year education as a Registered General Nurse.
I would not have gotten this far without financial support. Undoubtedly, this opportunity has really helped me and has given me a new perspective of life. I am very grateful. It is my prayer that the Almighty God will replenish in abundance whatever the team has lost in the course of my support.
Thank you again for giving me such an opportunity.
God richly bless you all.Alice Bewaale