Bismark Mawuta Anaosu

Domicile: Ghana

Title of study: Bachelor of Commerce in Finance

About the university:

University of Cape Coast,

Duration: 4 years / 8 semesters (6 more to go)
Costs: appr. 220 Euro per year

Das ist Bismark´s Brief an ZIKOMO:

Hello ZIKOMO, I'm Bismark Mawuta Anaosu, a young and enthused gentleman who have happen to complete his undergraduate studies from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana with a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance).

I hope this message finds you well. As I take a moment to reflect on my journey through university, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support I received from the ZIKOMO Scholarship programme. Completing my undergraduate studies under the umbrella of ZIKOMO Scholarship has been a transformative experience. Your generosity not alleviated financial burdens but also empowered me to pursue my academic aspirations without constraints. Through your unwavering support, I was able to fully immerse myself in my studies, engage in extracurricular activities and foster meaningful connections within my academic community. Moreover, beyond the financial assistance, being a ZIKOMO scholar has installed in me a profound sense of responsibility and gratitude. Knowing that someone believed in my potential enough to invest in my education had motivated me to strive for excellence in all aspects of academic journey.

As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the invaluable lessons, memories and opportunities that the ZIKOMO Scholarship scheme has provided. I am committed to making the most of this privilege by contributing positively to society and paying it forward whenever I can. Special thanks to Miss Elsa who has been helping me through everything; she has played a major role upon my successful completion of my undergraduate studies. Once again, I extend my sincerest gratitude to you and the entire ZIKOMO Scholarship team for believing in me and in investing in my future. Your support has impacted my life and has also paved way for countless opportunities that lie ahead.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Bismark Mawuta Anaosu.