Jeff Chomba Kapisha

Date of birth: 1998, Zambia
Domicile: Lusaka, Zambia
Title of study: Diploma in Registered Nursing
About the university:Lusaka Institute of Applied Studies (
Costs: approx. 1000 Euro per year
Duration: 6 semesters
Jeff succesfully completed his study in 2022 and obtained a Diploma in Registered Nursing.
---- His letter to ZIKOMO after finalising his studies ----
My name is Jeff Kapisha now aged 23 years. With great pleasure I write to you and all donors that supported and helped me achieve my goal as I obtained my Diploma in Registered Nursing, to that I say "vielen Dank" with so much joy in my heart.
Because of your diligent efforts you invested in my career you never for once gave up on me despite being burdened by the Covid19 pandemic, its like sewing a seed, watering it & today it has given society a fruitful result eventually, through your sponsorship my family has gained and to society a care giver.
I can now work at any hospital anywhere to deliver my service respectively, so I have continued learning every day as I am working as a volunteer at Maina Soko Medical Centre, a military hospital.
My dream is to be employed & be able to further my education hopefully becoming a medical doctor.
In my conclusion I would like to say may your dedication towards charity work especially helping the vulnerable or rather less privileged young people like myself continue across Africa because you are the lamp in the dark of people like myself and hope for the hopeless I am inspired. Thank you once more ZIKOMO.
Kind regards to you all.
JEFF CHOMBA KAPISHA“---- This is his letter in the beginning of the scholarship ----
may I take this opportunity to write to you a few words of gratitude to the positive email which you wrote to me. Thank you so much for your great support to become a registered nurse.
I know that with your support, I will complete my course and try to help others with my services in my future. Having a grade 12 certificate is not enough to be empolyed with a decent job hence the course I am doing now will enable me to earn a living and my goalis to complete my training within three years. It is my dream to be a qualified registered nurse who is going to offer help to people, also to my family. My family background is not the best but the love of my guardians has shown to be strong.
I am part of the ZIKOMO family now. It really means a lot to me and at the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of this scholarship.
Thank you so much to each and every member of ZIKOMO staff and its donors. May God richly bless you all for your good work.
Yours sincerely, Jeff Chomba Kapisha.