Kekeli Germent Ahiaworde

Domicile: Ghana

Title of study: Bachelor of public health information

About the university:

University of Health and Allied Sciences,

Duration: 4 years / 8 semesters
Costs: appr. 228 Euro per year
End of studies: September 2028

Das ist Kekelis Brief an ZIKOMO:

Dear ZIKOMO Team,

I, Ahiaworde Germent Kekeli, write this letter to you with gratitude.
I feel very honored to be granted this scholarship to further my education in public health information at the University of Allied Sciences for four years.
I thank ZIKOMO and its donators for greatly reducing the financial burden on me and my family and enable me to continue my studies.
I promise to take my studies serious and make everyone proud.

Thank you, ZIKOMO. May god bless your wonderful work.

Yours sincerely,