Kingsley Kwadzo Yehu
Domicile: Ghana
Title of study: Bachelor of political studies and media and communication studies
About the university:Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Duration: 4 years / 8 semesters
Costs: appr. 250 Euro per year
End of studies: September 2028
Das ist Kingsleys Brief an ZIKOMO:
It is with great pleasure and smile full on my face to write this letter to you. I write to express my sincere gratitude and to appreciate your prestigious organization for granting me the scholarship to be able to continue my levels in the tertiary institution.
I am by name Yehu Kingsley Kwadzo and I am twenty-one years of age. I am a level 100 student in the institution of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology which I am currently pursuing a four year degree program in Education where I major POLITICAL STUDIES and minor MEDIA and COMMUNICATION STUDIES.
I grew up in a family of six siblings. My sick Mother doesn’t have a job to take care of us and one of my siblings is now a sick patient and he is stuck home. When I completed Junior High School in 2018, things became really difficult for my family even though my father tried the best he can. I managed to graduate successfully from KPANDO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. I later gained admission to university and things became extra difficult for me until I met Anani Albert the very first day I arrived in school to do my course registration and we became friends. I then explained everything to him and he introduced me to Pastor Evans.
I’m with strong emotions and feelings that with the help and support from ZIKOMO, I can concentrate and work on my Goals of becoming a good politician one day and also to support the needy. I’m highly appreciative to ZIKOMO for granting my sponsorship to pay for my university fees. I promise stay strong on my lectures and to make good results and will make ZIKOMO proud.
Yours sincerely,