Prince Kwabla Fiagbor

Domicile: Ghana

Title of study: Bachelor of public health information

About the university:

University of Health and Allied Sciences,

Duration: 4 years / 8 semesters
Costs: appr. 228 Euro per year
End of studies: September 2028

Das ist Princes Brief an ZIKOMO:


It is with great honour to write to you this letter. This letter I am writing to express my sincere appreciation to your prestigious organisation for granting me the scholarship to be able to continue to the tertiary level.

My name is Fiagbor Prince Kwabla and I am twenty-seven years of age. I am in my first year at University of Health And Allied Sciences and I am currently pursuing my Degree in Public Health (Health Information) for Four years which I also plan to further up with my Masters after I graduate. I have five siblings and I am the youngest one among my siblings.

I thank ZIKOMO for granting my application to sponsor my university education fees. With this opportunity, I promise to take my studies serious and also set a pace for the young ones who are looking up to me as their role model. Once again I want to say a very BIG THANK YOU to every member of ZIKOMO and their sponsors (donors). May God richly bless you all for your good work.

Yours sincerely,