Rhoda Ngoma
Domicile: Lusaka/Zambia
Title of study: Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
About the university:Zambia Institute for Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Lusaka
Started in July 2017, duration: 8 semesters.
My name is Rhoda Ngoma, I am a Zambian female aged 20years old. I come from the eastern part of Zambia but currently staying in Lusaka. I completed my secondary education in the year 2014 at Munali girls Secondary School and since then I have been looking forward to attain tertiary education of which this has always been a challenge due to financial difficulties. I am a first born child in the family of 5 (3 boys and 2 girls). My father works at TAJ pamodzi hotel as a potter and does not get enough money to support higher education, my mother was running a business but currently doing nothing because of the economy. I come from a broken home, my mother and father got divorced and hence this has also contributed to the broken home as he does not offer the full support.
My goals has always been to attain skill in what I love to do, which is hospitality, to be able to work, learn independently, develop intellectual curiosity, confident and engagement that will lead to lifelong learning. My dream has always been to work in the hospitality industry it’s also my interest to interact with different kinds of people both Zambian and non Zambian and get to learn different cultures.
I am fine, in fact I am more than fine. Words alone can not say how I am because I am so happy.
Thank you so very much for giving me the sponsorship, thank you. I am happy to be part of the Zikomo family.My regards,